Learn how to adjust your American Made hinges! It's so easy!
First, it's got to hold the gate shut, so it must be made of a strong enough material to withstand the demands of the environment where it will be used. At Modern Fence Technologies, we offer several types...
Many hinges marketed for use on vinyl gates have added a bearing or bushing to the adjuster rod. Without this feature, a hinge will quickly grind through whatever paint surface is there and start rusting and peeling, squeaking as it operates...
Give Us a Spin!
-Tuesday, August 9, 2022
Fabrication costs money. It's a fact of life when you are dealing with PVC fence. Vinyl is hard to cut, and most bits just won't stand up like the bits we had specifically designed...
There's a difference between “American made” and “an American made company”. We make our hinges, latches, drop rods, and molded vinyl caps and accessories right here. From start to finish...